Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A few minutes with Sarah Giles

Sarah Giles
It was great catching a few minutes with Sarah Giles at Momentum 2010.

M.M: What do you do to relax?
S.G: I have a nice bath with candles and “smelly” things of the nice variety! I have a glass of wine or watch a movie.

M.M: What are you passionate about?
S.G: Jesus and the Church, children and justice for the poor.

M.M: What is the weirdest food you ever eaten?
S.G: Crocodile. It’s quite tough and doesn’t have a great taste.

M.M: What is your favourite quote?
S.G: “A sky without stars is like a face without freckles.”

M.M: What is your current favourite album?
S.G: Seal

M.M: Who is your favourite Bible character?
S.G: David. He is deep, holistic, emotional, sensitive, expressive, a worshipper and a mighty leader.

M.M: What are your thoughts on Momentum 2010?
S.G: The word sums up what is happening in the spirit - The Churches getting together. Momentum speaks of continuity, a journey together.

M.M: Thanks so much Sarah.

By Molly Manhanga

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A brief chat with Pam Windsor

Pam Windsor

It was great meeting Tim and Pam Windsor at Ebenezer Training Centre. The Windsors fellowship at The Kings Family Church, Oakville, Ontario, Canada. This church is affiliated to Newfrontiers Family of Churches and it’s led by Chris McLean. This is what Pam had to say:

M.M: What are you passionate about?
P.W: Worshipping Jesus, spending time with God, journaling and I love people.

M.M: What do you do to relax?
P.W: Listen to music, read a good novel, walk and sleep.

M.M: Who has influenced you recently?
P.W: A girl called Julie who is a missionary in Mozambique. She is sold out for Jesus and doesn’t count the cost.

M.M: What are your impressions of Zimbabwe?
P.W: Aaaaah! Beautiful! It has a beautiful countryside, warm and friendly people and the smiles – I love the smiles of the people.

M.M: What are your thoughts of Ebenezer?
P.W: It’s incredible what God is doing here. People have faith to do things that are risky and edgy as well as to step out and invest in the lives of people. I like the discipleship model.

M.M: I understand you had a word about Zimbabwe. Please could you share it?
P.W: I saw a picture of Zimbabwe and Mozambique. I also saw a road made of maize or corn. It started in the middle of Zimbabwe and went all around into Mozambique. And then at the beginning of the road, I saw oil – the oil of the Holy Spirit and it flowed down the maize road. Then a fire started and moved rapidly across Zimbabwe and into Mozambique.

M.M: Any other comments?
P.W: I feel like Ebenezer is a well – a source place. I see lots of streams coming from this well which is well-made. Ebenezer will have far reaching effects with the streams. It’s really encouraging to see what God is doing.

M.M: Thanks so much Pam. Hope you enjoy your time in Zim.

By Molly Manhanga

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Catching up with Marlene Poe

Marlene Poe

Sam and Marlene Poe are from Tacoma, USA and they are serving in Kezi, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe up until July. What a privilege to work closely with such a precious couple who have a wealth of knowledge and experience. I caught up with Marlene at Camp Momentum in Kezi.....

M.M: What do you do to relax?
M.P: read or hike

M.M: What is your favourite quote?
M.P: “Make new friends. Keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.”

M.M: What is the weirdest food you’ve eaten?
M.P: Mupani worms

M.M: Who is your favourite Bible character?
M.P: Peter. He is impetuous but real and changeable

M.M: What is your current favourite album?
M.P: Robin Mark “East of the river”

M.M: What are you passionate about?
M.P: Worship

M.M: Who has influenced you recently?
M.P: “Influential Women” by Wendy Virgo. It’s special because Wendy is my friend. Both Terry and Wendy are “people’s people”. You can have them in your home and feel comfortable with that.

M.M: So true! What are your thoughts on Momentum 2010?
M.P: I’m amazed at all the work and the incredible team that worked together to put on an event like this so well.

M.M: What are your impressions of Crossroads Community Church?
M.P: When we arrived, the ladies greeted me with warm hugs but there is the challenge of learning their names. I definitely enjoyed the experience and look forward to getting to know people.

M.M: Fantastic Marlene. I’m so looking forward to working with you.

By Molly Manhanga